
May 2020

A Prayer

How the world has changed...
Who would have thought that 2020 would turn out like this? And to see that our whole world could be this fragile.

Japan has been in a "state of emergency' for nearly two months. It was a sort of "loose" lock down but the number of new cases have gone down so most of the prefectures (except for 5 ) have started to open up although very gradually.
I've been talking with many friends in Britain and America where the situation is still not good and it is hard to see when this will all end. I have very close friends working as doctors which is even more worrying and I pray that they are safe and are able to cope with what they have to face every day.

I wanted to show my gratitude to all the brave people working in the hospitals and everyone who have been working to make it possible for our societies to keep on functioning.
Here is Jacob Arcadelt's "Ave Maria" as a prayer in hope that you are all kept safe and that there will be peace with you.

Thank you, thank you, for all your work.